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Main Specifications:
About Design:

Go green and go clean with this design. This design was conceived during a sunny and clear day in the late summer. This is all about golf and the green-ness of grass.

You can fill up a lot content on the homepage. There is an area on the right just for activities and news.  

*Banner and stock images are not included. Design includes styling and placement images that can be updated. 

Mobile Compatible

All website that is built by Fitsoft are fluid in design. About seventy-nine percent of U.S. users visiting your site will surf and make a purchase on their mobile device according to Usablenet. Of all the hundreds of tablets, phablets, and mobile devices it is hard for any individual to keep up. Our solution cuts through the time it takes to maintain and make your website mobile compatible. The web solution is routinely updated to conform with today's standards. You can view your website on mobile devices and also switch back and forth from desktop/mobile view.

This number will continue to grow as smaller devices become more sophisicated and powerful. The gab that divides pc and mobile devices are getting blurred as new innovation in processor speed and higher screen resolution are cram into ever smaller and thinner devices. The market is rapidly changing in the mobilesphere to meet up with the growing demands. Next year there will be more people carrying these mobile devices to find and purchase products online. 

What is our solution to this? Patches and more functionality are added so that it is up-to-date. Please checkout our log file on the constant patch and changes added to the system. These design peccadillo are always updated. You can check out your own website log file in your administrative control panel. Keep up with these changes by getting a web solution designed and created by Fitsoft.

Calendar Management


Imagine a calendar page designated for all of your courses. A single page where you can display your tentative schedule to your members on a monthly basis. It would be easier for your members to quickly peruse through. Well you have it all here!

This calendar is extended with the option for you to enable your new prospective members to enroll online. Making it easier for streamlining course enrollment to any one of your available courses. All manageable through your administrative control panel. Offering quickview of course timeslots, its availability, the location, and also the instructor for that day.

Accept Credit Card Signups

This website can process credit cards purchases. Members can make quick pay online or you can manually charge them using the administrative control panel. Our backend has a feature for you to also save and create new membership types.

Control the recurring pricing of memberships. Billing can be recurring or one-time payment. Charges are incur and added up in your report. Fitsoft has streamline the payment process so that you keep your mind off of collecting and more on your business. There is no monthly fee. We work with Stripe payment system. Therefore you have full control of your funds and it goes directly to your account. Custom make

Start charging credit cards without the burden of signing up for a merchant that charges monthly.

Membership Management

This website comes with a membership management system in your administrative contral panel. Add, charge, change memberships for a member. You decide when a member is charged by month, bi-annual, yearly, or one-time charge. We have extended the membership management solution so that you can track all your charges and income.

Fitsoft has an all-encompassing solution allowing you to grow outdoor and indoor. When you are ready, grab a barcode scanner and plug it right into your computer to start scanning members who visit your facility or club.

Website Opimization

Facebook and Google are two companies that are largely credited in Mobile ad spending. This year we have expected a 34% increase of brands which are allocating resources mainly for demographic targeting and personalization. Landing and squeeze pages optimization account for 34% increase. While social media and mobile optimization account for a 31%-32% increase. Content marketing accounts for a large majority of the marketing budget.

So how do you fit into this picture? Content marketing is still very important to business. Leveraging Fitsoft Content Management System, you can add and create as many landing and squeeze pages as you want. Our system allows business owners to adapt and focus on different areas of their business.

Please look through our tutorial on how to create a brandable squeeze page. Fitsoft shift your priority from website development to creating assets for your website. Let us do our job so you can do yours.